You can see the range of their articulation in the position of their hands.

Mattel Pivotol for reference and Integrity Toys Monsieur Z, Dynamite Girl, Misaki,
Model Behaviour / NU.Face, Fashion Royalty, Homme.
Note that most of the heads are not on their original bodies.
(Click the photo above if the Homme is cropped)
The MZ, DG, Misaki and MB/NU use the same torso but different limbs.
The MZ and DG body are very close to each other, even the legs use same mould but the material of the legs is quite different - MZ´s is more smooth, heavier and better quality. Their hands are same in proportions but DG have a much better range of articulation. MZ´s also have more creepy scrawny fingers than DG.
Misaki have a one more point of articulation compared to others - angles. The new Poppy Parker dolls and the NU.Fantasy characters Yuri and Kumi also have this body type.
MB/NU and FR share limbs but have different torsos. MB/NU. shere the small bust torso, but the FR dolls have a big bust twist and turn torso also used for RuPaul dolls.
For more wide reference see these links to photography by Michael Williams published in Haute Doll January 2008:
The Usual Suspects line up
The Sitting Pretty comparison